50 ways to say I LOVE YOU
50 ways to bridge the gap in your marriage.
50 ways to bridge the gap in your marriage.
First of all, a word to the wise. Be Sincere. These suggestions are totally unselfish and meant to stir his heart. Great ideas that can be used once or twice a week and bring a special spirit into your marriage. I used to teach marriage classes to many women and created this list especially for wives who are sincere about strengthening their marriages. Men are typical reactors so note what you did and if he does react with something good make a note of it too. It will be a great journey.
1-Always remember to pray for your marriage. It works!
2-Do not underestimate romantic love to him, it says “I really love you!” Without it, you say “I am not sincere”.
3-Give him some masculine nick names and adjectives that are dear to you. (examples might be “handsome, tiger, muscles, wise, smart,leader, clever, strong etc.”)
4-Tell him he is handsome a lot. Use that word as often as you like.
5-Give him a nice bottle of cologne and put a note on it that says something like “This cologne captures my heart only if you are wearing it”.
6-Make a notebook of his accomplishments. Put photos or magazine pictures in it. Title it “The building of a hero”
7-Give him a bottle of capsules with a little note in each one. One a day for a month while he is away.
8-Slip a note in his sock. “Here is a foot note for you”.
9-Bake his favorite pie with a note “You are my pie in the sky”.
10-Give him a Big Hunk candy bar (Note-for my Big Hunk).
11-Give him a Million dollar Candy Bar “I wouldn't trade you for a million dollars.
12-Give him a Mr. Goodbar and say “They named this bar after you”.
13-Put a note in his glove “you are the best man around “hands down.”
14- Give him a pair of work gloves and a note.
15- Give him a hat or put a note on his favorite hat that says “Hats off to the most handsome guy I know.
16-Note on some salt and pepper shakers. We go together like salt and pepper.
17-On a U_No bar U-No I'm glad you are you!
18- On a can of pears or a ripe pear. What a pear we are”.
19-Heart candy-”Heart and Soul, I love you!”
20-On a comb, “You're so fine!”
21- Follow him as he works in the yard and express specific thanks and admiration for the things he does in it to make it nicer.
22-Take time to go with him on an errand and remember to build him up. (no criticism)
23-Note on a flashlight “You light up my life”.
24- Iron all his shirts and tell him that you enjoyed doing that for him (you did, didn't you?)
25-Have the paper (if he likes to read it) a snack and a big kiss ready for him when he gets home. Give him a royal greeting. Make this one a daily occurrence, get the children in on it too.)
26-A Pen with a note “for the top executive in our house”
27- Make a four leaf clover cookie and a note that says “I am so lucky to have you”.
28- Put a couple of Hershey's Chocolate kisses in his shoe with a note that says “Here is a kiss for your feet!”
29- Make a big candy kiss our of rice crispy treat. Wrap in foil with a note out of the top saying “a big kiss for my guy”.
30-Buy a tape or CD of his favorite music for him. “a note for you”
31-Have his favorite music playing when he comes home.
32- Take a picnic in your own yard and enjoy the work he has done in it.
33-Put a clever balloon bouquet in his car.
34- Dedicate a special song to him on the radio.
35- Make a book entitled “I am so glad we are a Pair” put pears on the front and find pictures of lots of things that come in pairs and make up your own sayings .
36-Make and “I Like You” book with magazine pictures and cartoons that say “I like you because”
37-Write the story of your courtship.
38-Write the story of your courtship in a novel form.
39- Make a special photo album or scrapbook of the two of you from courtship till now.
40-Have a nice photo portrait of yourself done for him.
41-Make a wall grouping in your bedroom with your marriage license and your wedding picture and a recent picture.
42- Have a portrait taken of the two of you.
43- Plan an anniversary dinner or party.
44- Invite friends over for dinner and games or refreshments and games. Tell something nice about him at this party.
45-Give him a surprise party for his birthday and ask friends to bring a gag gift. Not to make fun of him but to have a good time together.
46- Collect some good jokes and tell one a day to him.
47- Have breakfast outside for him on a nice day as often as you can.
48- Crown him “king for a Day” Have a special evening with the family to do this.
49- Have a special “This Is Your Life” program for him. Make it fun.
50-Do up a genealogy pedigree chart for him.
Watch for 50 More ways to say I love you ...Coming soon.
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