Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Awesome Baby Blessing Dress from Wedding Dress

My friend Joyce O.  made this wonderful Blessing Dress for her granddaughter out of her daughter's (the baby's mommy's) wedding dress.

The wedding dress above was beautiful and purchased at a good price.  I would never cut up the dress that I made for my own wedding when I was young.  It is a family heirloom and treasure, but if your dress or another doesn't have that much emotional value then it is a great one to re-purpose. You could even buy a nice dress at a thrift store and make a very elegant blessing or christening dress.

I love how she used the sleeve as is as far as she could.  The ornamentation is in the perfect place too.
Adorable bodice with the beads and sequins all in the right spot.  The skirt is "to die for".

The back is also beautiful and she has used little shiny buttons to close it.  They are so sweet. Joyce is an excellent seamstress and everything she does is to perfection as near as I could ever see.  "Neat as a pin" as they say!

Great work Joyce!

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