Sunday, December 15, 2013

Microwavable Bowl Potholder

This is so handy.  No more burning hot bowls to get from the microwave.
Cut 2  10 1/2" squares of cotton fabric
cut 2  10 1/2 " squares of cotton batting (buy the batting especially for microwaves)
Place on square of batting on wrong side of cotton.  Sew an x from corner to corner. 
Repeat for second square of batting and cotton.
On the center of each side sew a dart 2  1/4 inch across at the bottom and the sides each should be
 2  1/2 inches.
Repeat on the second piece of cotton and batting.
Put right sides together, turning darts in opposite directions.  Sew 1/4 " seam leaving an opening for turning.
Turn and hand sew opening shut.  The top edge may be top stitched.  A small embroider design may be added at each corner before stitching if you are using plain fabric.

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