Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cute Ladies Butcher Apron From 2 Shirts !

I started designing a butcher apron for guys but when it was finished it was too cute for a masculine apron but I really love it.

 When cutting an apron from a shirt, unbotton the front and lay the two fronts together
 I sued an existing apron as a pattern.  They are simple to do  with or without a pattern.
 Take a contrasting shirt. lay the edges together again and cut out a pocket shape to go across the bottom.  You can use the bottom of the shirt for a pattern.  I left the shirt buttoned when I cut it and ended up with a little pleat that goes across.  If you do that you can have a little extra room in the pocket.  Just sew it up on the sides and bottom and turn it.  I lined the top half of the apron with fabric from the back of the second shirt.  That way you add body and a nice finished edge. When you do that you should sandwich in the neck strap which is cut from the back of the shirt along with the ties. You will then attache tthe pocket  to the bottom of the shirt.  then I took one of the cuffs and cut if off of the contrasting shirt leaving a little fabric at the top of it to turn under for a finished edge and sewed it to the top of the apron. You can see the nice finished top it makes. 

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